Marie Francosky, PhD | Faculty
Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, Part-Time Faculty
School of Business and Social Sciences
College Hall
College Hall 323
What makes Lake Erie College a unique place?
Majoring in Human Resource Management (HRM) in the School of Business at Lake Erie College gives students the unique opportunity to learn from seasoned business professionals who are also highly respected instructors in their specialty areas. Targeted coursework objectives, based not only on educational and research sources but which also include our faculty’s real world business and industry experiences, are integrated into the HRM curriculum of our students. We ensure that our students understand how to apply information from their major to the real world situations that they will be facing in their careers. This is accomplished through their involvement in classroom experiential learning activities, networking events, and internship opportunities in their major field of study.
Ph.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Bowling Green State University
M.A., Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Bowling Green State University
B.S., Psychology from The Ohio State University
Courses Taught:
MBA Level
MBA 534 - Organizational Behavior
MBA 530 - Leadership
MBA 563 - Human Resource Management
Undergraduate Level
BA 400 - Senior Seminar
MN 323 - Organizational Behavior
MN 315 - Leadership
MN 312 - Human Resource Management
MN 301 - Personal Effectiveness in the World of Work
MN 302 - Training and Development
Research/Creative Activity Interests:
The impact of company orientation programs on employee retention, job performance, and job satisfaction
Linking employee engagement to organizational outcomes
Leadership effectiveness and its impact on workplace climate and employee retention
Awards/Professional Memberships:
APA (American Psychological Association)
SIOP (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology)
SHRM (Society of Human Resource Management)
Invited speaker - Cleveland Clinic Foundation, "Emotional Intelligence (EQ): An Extraordinary Topic” (May 2013)
Invited presentations to Leadership Lake County (2009-2011), "Power and Leadership Effectiveness” and "Team Leadership and Group Effectiveness”
Invited presentation to the Painesville Area Chamber of Commerce, "Hiring and Firing: Do it Right and Do it Legally”; "Focus on Employees: Employee Orientation that Works,” Strategies: ShopTalk Newsletter, O.E Strategies (2004); "Focus on Employees: How Can a Survey Help My Organization?” Strategies: ShopTalk Newsletter ( 2003)
Career Accomplishments:
President of the Lake Erie College Faculty Senate (2013-2015)
Executive Committee of the Board of Directors- LAB (Learning About Business), 2011-2013
Executive Committee of the Employment Skills Workshop, 1998-2010
Lead Redesign Research Coordinator of the Eastman Kodak Company’s world-wide employee opinion survey program (1995)